I feel a little bit inspired today...Inspired but lethargic. Today marks my one week anniversary of freedom. I think I'll wear my SIAST shirt when it comes out of the wash. Just to prove I'm still in control. Its also the beginning of the long weekend and everyone is putting on their small clothes. I'm not one for extreme heat myself, but I don't mind the ladies in small clothes.
I saw the queen yesterday. The was wearing a blue hat and she waved a lot. Prince Philip kinda looks like a skeleton which I thought was wonderful. There was a man in a pink tie who randomly selected children in the crowd to meet the queen. He was a stange man, but I thought it was cute. The one thing that stoke me as odd was the extreme lack of security. There were a couple people in ties around them who may have been royal guards, there rest were sparsely placed, but well dressed and some campus cops. Don't get me wrong, this isn't a complaint. It makes me feel good that possibly the most well known person in the world can walk through a crowd safely.
I've really lost my inspiration. Jason just called and is having some problems. If you know Jason at all, you know what its about. Maybe bobby brown by frank zappa will cheer me up.....Yup.
I've been working on some new music finally. Possibly for iron pirate. I should really call Greg one of these days so we can put something together. I'm just no good at working with other people....Either that or I'm not motivated enough to organize a little jam.
did I write about watchign star wars yet....I don't think I did. Well here is the Jonathan Discovery review of Star Wars episode III:
yeah yeah, everyone had their cynical predictions for failure of this movie. Possibly as some strange superstition were if you believe that it will be complete shit, it will be the best movie ever. Well you goofy bastards, it almost worked.
it was a geat movie but certainly had its faux pas. The problem with episode III is the beginning. It shoots you right in and too much happens too quick. The only way to really make sense of it is to watch the clone wars carton as I'm told they end right in at the opening firefight. Not to mention that in that first 20 minutes or so there were some real cheeseball moments and lines.
once we get back to corissant, is gets going. Not to mention jar jar doesn't speak once in the whole movie. The dialogue is much better thought out and works really well. Hayden Christensen acting is still a little dry, but 10 thousand times better than attack of the clones. ewan McGregor really makes the movie, if not the entire pequel trilogy. Sir Alec Guinness would be proud of his younger self as obi wan.
now about the violence and fight scenes. Its is pretty fucking intense, put it that way. The moves closes very well and puts together all the loose ends and sets up very well for episode 4. There's even a brief shot of grand moff tarkin if you look closely.
all in all, the movie had nothing Disney about it, unlike the previous two. Now the only thing left to do is go make and re-make those first two to be more like this one and we'll have two great trilogys.