Sunday, May 15, 2005

Drunk Post

Because of my limited internet access since I;ve started this blog, its been difficult to make a late night drunk entry, which is really what blogging is all about right?
so here I am, its not even late yet. Its only 2:45 but I'm at home wondering where to find my muse. Back in tow for good. I'm free. Exile no longer plagues this fine young man and the need for teaching myself media art production is no longer required. (not in any structured for anyway).
despite that lack of Yukon people, the city is a buzz with oranges, bananas and tropical fruits of al kinds. The only goal for the next few months is to make beautiful music in the traditional sense and in the naughty way. Forgive me, I'm horny.
that last line will haunt me but its important to be straight-forward about these kinds of things.
more and more people threaten to abandon the republic I've set up my the main characters never get killed off.
we're not jumping the shark quite yet I hope (Maude Flanders)
the important thing is that nothing is ever static. This place gives that illusion while remaining very spontaneous and beautiful. Always moving but never really going anywhere. Running in circles. You may be a shadow now, but in a week you'll be at the yard or the cactus singing along to some old velvet underground wishing you could create such wonders.
after all, no one is or ever will be Lou Reed.
no lets get philosophical in a grade 10 way. Why do I crqave human contact os much for when ti'm shit faced. If this chemical lowers my inhabitions, what does it really mean. Does it mean that I'm very lonely and sad, or does it mean that this side of my personality is just a big joke. When I say contact I mean like spooning, by the way.
now thc, this it different, this will expand my inhabitions and level of consciousness but its come to the point where I cant enjoy that. It makes me such a boring person that even I refuse to be around. What does this say?
in the end it doesn't really matter. We all get laid. The only thing that stands in our way in our inability to control time. What a bother.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice. Yes, we all get laid eventually. And that's a good thing.

And now, at least you know that Ryan reads this too. =)

I'm so glad you're home. You have no idea.


1:13 PM  

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