Friday, May 27, 2005

I Am Going To Eat Your Goddamn Head

Yes, I have had a few. That's the way its going to be from now on. We can intelligently comment of the news of the world or I can get drunk and forget how awful everything is. Yes is goddamn awful to say such thing but hear me out.
I wear a green rubber bracelet. This bracelet I got from a website dedicated to the aid of the people and Sudan's darfur region. You may have seen other bracelet out there as well. Mostly the ones that say live strong. You know the ones, they're yellow. Those little bracelets benefit cancer research and is spearheaded by lance Armstrong who has won the tour de France (the most greuling sporting event in the world) several times before and after wining a battle with cancer.
now I don't want to down play this wonderful man;s achivemnts at all. He is an amazing man, however he's has started a fad. These little yellow rubber bracelets aren't about cancer anymore, its a fashion thing. Several times a day some one questions me about my darfur rubber bracelet and ask where I got it. I try and explain when they say something like "yeah, I really wan get one of those yellow ones, I've seen everyone wearing them"
its a sad state of affairs. I would really love nothing more than to educate them on why I wear this bracelet, but they'd rather talk about what jen was wearing at the bar last Friday. These people don't have time for cancer. They too busy having their homes burned down and watching their family member being raped and castrated by government supoprted militias.
really I just wish this whole thing wasn't a fad. I wish that my bracelet could help people realize that there are other thing happening in the world. Still its come to the point where if someone asks about my bracelet I get really snotty about it. I apologize for that. If anyone would like a darfur bracelet I have quite a few. Perhaps other could do a better job than I in the education department.
getting that off my chest fells better.
I keep trying out new songs and the music a vocal sound right but I just cant seem to make lyrics as well as I thought I used to. I made some half cut ones tonight. Sort of a half rant on the dance punk revolution. The bravery is a shitty band.


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