Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Poverty in the Middle Class

I hate to use the word poverty but the whole money system has always blown my mind. I just cannot grasp the concept. I can function just fine with no money. I can get by and I am generally a lot more responsible and accountable for everything I do. I am usually unhappy when I don't have any money, but my financial situation is constant. I have nothing to lose. Its not climbing or declining, there's no more credit and no more cash.
when I work, when I get student credit or anything like that my financial situation is on a constant decline. I'll smoke a pack every two days just because I can afford to. Buying groceries is a waste of time. I just don't know where it all goes.
I'm godd at being poor. I do it well but its so uncomfortable. I am constantly worrying about how to survive. It tears me away from the television based reality which is a good thing, but it feels so awful. I'm awful at having money. I keep running out and needing more. Its like I'm a money junkie. My dealer is a crappy job that I have to go to every week, give the corporation a handjob for 7.75 an hour. At least it gives me something to do.
school also gives me something to do, except instead of being paid, I pay them as much as I would probably be making if I were to work all this time. How does this happen? What's is the solution? Well there's not real way to get around it. However, a while back, Steve had the idea of having half a year's worth of fun every year.
its simple really. Work as hard as you can and save as much as you can for 6 months. The next six months you spend in a new part or the world having the time of your life. Come back when you're out of money (try to budget 6 months, it should work) come back home work for another 6 months, wash rinse repeat. It cant fail. Especially since I am allowed to live at my parents house until I'm 47.
it either that or build up mountains of student loans, or work 5 days a week drinking all my money away on those 2 days off trying mask the monotony of a static prairie city.

on my hand right now I have written "Would David Suzuki approve?" I think that may end up being the basis for all my decisions.


So much to say and only 10 minutes to write this. I hope everyone was watching the CBC last night to see Tommy Douglas voted the greatest Canadian. Isn't is a strange thing that before the whole contest started, he was relatively unknown in most parts of Canada. Always a hero I in Saskatchewan, but still never really a household name until now. I can not say enough good things about this man, so I'm not going to try. If you want o know all the good stuff, you'll have to wait for some re-runs. I'm sure cbc will have the time to show it again, what with the hockey strike.
also George W Bush arrives in Canada today. Rick mercer had a great 1 minute rant about that on Monday report last night check out www.cbc.ca/mondayreport it should be Around there. Also Matt Good has posted his top 4 reasons why he doesn't want Bush to be invited into tour country. The day after Tommy Douglas was voted the greatest Canadian, I don't think anyone in the country should stand for the arrival of the tyrant. Cheers.

Monday, November 29, 2004

Case Of The Mondays

All I really want to post is how my weekend went, but then that's not much of a rant, now is it? I will some how have to combine or conglomerate the whole thing together into a big happy ball of something rather. Here goes.
the weekend it's self doesn't really matter. What matters for the purpose of this entry, is that driving to Saskatoon on Friday, I was shocked to find my muffler dragging behind me making the sparks fly. Of course that makes the weekend far more expensive then I wanted it to be, but I was too excited to care. At 2am when you've been up since 7am, that's a good excuse for a second wind. After some awesome times, Sunday came along and it was do or die for the muffler. I take it in to Canadian tire. Good news! The muffler and installation is only $100. I come back to pay my $100 when they are finished and the fellow says "oh... I know right I now that car" and proceeds to wander into the back for like 15 minutes. Apparently my car which I (sadly) rely on, is all fucked up. They told me I should never ever drive it again until its fixed. As a student I only have student money, its fictional and certainly not my own.
I am back at school, I had to steal my poor little sisters car so I can go about my week.
that's not much of a rant at all. Maybe this will be one.
tonight: if you didn't vote for your greatest Canadian, you're a big chump. Voting closed last night at midnight. I personally only cast one vote, that was all I really needed. The debate last night on the cbc was really quite interesting. I think the most interesting thing was that about 4 out of the top 10 have no chance. Even the advocates speaking for those four seemed to be pessimistic. To me it all comes down to this list:
Tommy Douglas
David Suzuki
John A McDonald
Lester Pearson
Fredrick Banting
Pierre Trudeau
even this list, can be narrowed down. To probably about 4. Take out Pearson and Trudeau. As great as they were, they were prime ministers in dangerous times. There arguments for all of them, and they're all very inspiring. It was especially nice to see all the Canadian musicians, comedians celebrities of all kind in one place. None of those poser Canadians that now live in LA either. Except of course the little interview with Keifer Sutherland seeing as he is Tommy D's grandson.
in any case, I'm excited for the winner to be chosen and I think that winner will be Tommy Douglas. It will be a fun evening on the CBC. that's all for now I guess. Good morning.

Saturday, November 27, 2004

MSG vs Stomach Lining

well good afternoon. isnt it though? its a beautiful day, or it would be with out the clouds. nice and warm. Yesterday was quite a day, its a shame i missed out on the blogging. i mean, there has ot be like 1 person who's been waiting in anticipation.
yesterday was a long day, but a good day. photography all afternoon. alot of which will be updated to the website shortly. work all night, then driving back home. my muffler fell off 15 minutes out of town. i need a new muffler. that should go without saying, but i'm in a bit of a rut today.
mystery noodles in the fridge hurt my insides and i still cant really move from the dodgeball a couple days ago. i'm such a happy boy. hap hap happy boy. the weeknd is upon me and i cant seem to shake it. i have to fix my muffler but my mind is so scattered. back at the parents house just draws away all my energy, still i'm a happy boy.
no philosphy, theories or insight here. not today. not on this of all days. the zodiac tells me... no one understand what i want, but i mus manipulate them with my lion powers to make them do my bidding. in the process i will aid a friends personal problems.
i supose it all holds true. i cheered travis up this afternoon. rogers takes his soul. i dont think i will ever have a friend as good as travis. and i have alot of great friends. even though i manipulate them wiht my lion powers.
i aopogize for the lack of content in this entry. i just dont have much to say.

Thursday, November 25, 2004

Physical Phitness

Today I realized something. I am the most out of shape person on the face of the earth. I mean sure I'm tall and skinny and I have some left over muscle from al those years of playing hockey, but I think those muscles have been in a coma for a while. Today I played dodgeball. Not the most demanding game fitness wise. Yes, I was a dominant player and won the second game for the media nerds team, but after that, I couldn't walk. My legs seriously froze up and were almost locked in place. They're still recovering. Now I'm no kienisiologist, but I don't think that's healthy. I couldn't run across the street if I had to. I mean sure I'm a heavy smoker, but my lungs don't hurt, its my legs. After half an hour of dodgeball. The other thing is that I seem to have acquired another cold from playing. I'm stuffed up and just not feeling well at all. I felt fine this morning. Infect, I felt great!
now maybe you all think that's sad and awful, but someone out there must be just like me. Any other skinny indie boys out there who cannot partake in physical activity for health reasons? If your out there, let me know so I can feel normal. Otherwise I might just have to start exercising.
on a lighter note, I just checked out a series of pictures from the GWAR show in Saskatoon last Sunday. I really wanted to go, but didn't want to drive in to pay $30 for a show. Big mistake. Check out www.punkoryan.com for a rundown of the show and the pictures. That's the second time I've missed a GWAR show. Never again. I mean sure its in bad taste, but the awesomeness out weighs that.
well pub night tonight here at good old SIAST. Hosted by us media nerds. I suppose I should get up there and start helping out. I spent the morning making a mix CD for it, so I know that at least the music will be good.

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Theories About Isolation

Now, I think its unfair to consider myself isolated. My cabin is pretty luxurious and I spend the majority of my waking hours at school, which is in fact populated. So why all this talk of being a hermit in a cabin in the woods? I suppose I isolate myself when I'm at home. There's always some neighbor or relative that wants to talk to me, but I refuse. So anyway, just to clear things up, I'm choosing isolation over talking to great uncles and friends of my parents.
the lake is a strange place. It makes sounds at night so Erie that I don't know what to think. I have my vampire theory, but that was a product of too much wine and not enough sleep. The only other theory I have is that its the sound of the lake freezing. Maybe I'm an idiot.
anyway, the sounds, I thought, would be the last of the problems. Turns out there are some smell problems as well. This morning all of outdoors seemed to smell like rotting something rather. I thought maybe my septic tank had overflowed. It was just fine when I checked. Then I remembered that wyerhouser, is not only evil, but keeps our air in the PA area nice and shit smelling. The pulp mill can project smells around the north as far as the nose can smell. There must be something wrong if I prefer to have my windows rolled up whilst having my morning cigarette.
back to the isolation for a second. The reason I really want isolation is that I don't work well with others. Either I do all the work or none of the work. Stubborn egotistical lion I suppose. I need to be completely alone for my music to grow and to actually get things recorded. It's going well thus far. I have 3 tapes full of material and its sounding better every time. The thing is that television is so wonderful. My grandfather before he left for the Arizona sun, passed unto me his satellite receiver. seinfeld and the simpsons are just so hard to resist. It tears me away from recording. I should have like 10 tapes recorded, but south park was on.
luckily, I have been informed that the satellite card will expire by the end of the month and I will be free from its evil clutches. Then I can get down to business. I've got two albums on the go. One of pure, true satanic black metal (acoustic indie style) and plain old acoustic folk rock. The black metal one doesn't really need a title. I can just mix together basic black metal cliches. Something about frostbitten grimness I'm sure. The real album (sorry Jason) right now the tenitive title is Level Twelve Elf. Its a name I stole from none other than Matthew Good. He put out a fake song list for an uncomming CD some years back and that was the title of one of the tracks. I always thought it was awesome and its about time someone paid homage to it.
that's the story of me and my musical endeavored. Someday they might actually happen. I've got Jeff Pederson from the Fjords lined up to do some drums. I'll definitely need some on the black metal.
speaking of music and bands and all good things, check out www.newmusiccanada.com you can search for great Canadian bands and hear the great music they're coming up with. If I ever get anything done, I'll put it up there, but until then check out the Fjords, Samuel the black shaman, Linus Hemingway, or any Saskatchewan band. You can search bands by province. Gnarly says I.
keep on blogging in the free world.


The other day, I was sitting in my cabin listening to Belle and Sebastian. Mid ways through the album Maegan pointed out to me that no one who listens the Belle and Sebastian can be a bad person. I think that holds very true, not only with that paticular band but with many. Now you regular folk may wonder why those o us who are purposely un-polished judge people so harshly on musical taste, and this is why. Musical taste seems to be a reflection of personality. Right now I'm listening to Donovan. I think that proves that all I want to do is lay in a field of daises and will walk away from any confrontation. Fans of linkin park will generally be angry and like to yell. We wouldn't want to Han gout with those people on a regular basis. Do you see what I mean?Basically what I'm saying is that you shouldn't be offend when an pretentious indie person grills you about music. Its kind of like how dogs smell each other. Sure its inappropriate, but its how you get to know someone.

Zodiac Today

Today, the gospel preached down to the lions, asks us to catch up on gossip and that we will be respected due to our compassionate nature. Thus this is my request to anyone who happens to read this day: please post your gossip under the comments. Its what the stars want. What they want for the lions anyway.

now I am new to this blogging thing so I have no clue how to post links on the side banner. However my favorite blog for the past few month has been Matthew Good's blog. Otherwise known as mblog. Check it out at www.matthewgood.net
that's all for the moment. Back to learn about pretty pictures.

Tuesday, November 23, 2004


Well, I'm still very much excited about this whole Blogging thing. I still find it hard to fathom how arrogant I must be to think anyone wants to read about what I ate for breakfast today. The wonders of this so called infernet. The effect us all. At least those of us who are bored and have nothing to do but play around on a computer. Speaking of what I ate for breakfast today, it was a glass of water and a vitamin pill. Centering vitamins a believe.
today I finally decided to cast my vote for the greatest Canadian. There was no question in my mind really. The person who I had originally thought to nominate happens to be in the top ten and I couldn't feel better about it. Not only that but he is #1.
Tommy Douglas. The founder of our health care system and father of modern Canadian socialism. How do you like that? I should probably also add he is the father of Donald Sutherland and grandfather of Keifer Sutherland. Not his best work, but sadly his most reputable. Still, I couldn't be happier he holds the number one spot. He has had it since the begining of the program and hopefully, he'll hold it until Monday when the winner is announced.
some of the tragedy I found whilst exploring the top 100 is some of the mid level choices. People like Avril Lavinge and Pamela Anderson. I fail to see how they could be in the top 500, but perhaps I'm just biased. Is Paris Hilton the greatest American? Geri Halliwell the greatest Britt? Its been said so many times it should be a cliche. This argument had been made for years, but you'll never be able to sway the 14 year masses. Luckily they cant vote in real elections. When I was 14, I probably would have voted for the reform party. Most rules make sense. The ones that don't, no one abides by anyway.
in short, the world is full of slackers. Think of every job you've ever worked. No one likes a keener. Ever one is lazy, no one wants to get caught. Its a good system. I could be better, but as long as the minimum wage employees keep ripping of their corporate masters, I'll be a happy camper.

Can U Taste The Waste

Well here I am making my first entry in my new blog. It seems like the thing to do these days to interact via this thing called infernet. Today is right in the middle of all days. I feel uneasy, but now in a bad mood. Not a good mood. One might say I feel moodless. That's not really the point though is it. The point is the story of why I believe the Anglican Minister of the Christopher Lake church is, in fact a vampire. No some of you may be saying "hey wait a second. Vampires don't exist.". FALSE! Here is the proof. Friday after classes, I was wandering around the future shop looking for Kids in the Hall season 2 on DVD. Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder. A younger fellow with a goatee was behind me. He introduced himself and shook my hand. I only half recognised him, but I did not want to be rude. He revealed his self as the minister at the lake. If course I wouldn't recognize him without his collar. I had met him several times before through my grandparents. Our conversation was of the basic "I'm going to school just over there" type. However I felt like he was staring through me. There was something ominous about his demeanor. I though perhaps he just had realized I was a sinner or something. Later that night I was having a cigarettes by the lake. Suddenly a large bat appeared and was heading right for me. It cam so close and seemed to be checking me out. It swooped overhead and flew into the night. Now I'm pretty sure we don't have bats that big at the lake, thus vampire/Anglican minister. It makes sense. I apologize. My blogs will get better