Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Waiting to exhale (after using my inhaler)

Tonight is the night. The star war saga come to an end....Or the beginning....Well lets just say the middle. Either way a lot of jedi will die and that's really too bad, but I sure don't mind watching. I know how it ends, and yes, balance is restored to the force.
there a lot of discussion over how episode 3 will be much different (better) than the first 2. Personally I don't really care. I really just want to finish what I started. I saw the other two on opening night so it must be done. The worst part of the openig night is the ridiculous line-ups. Perhaps there wont be much of one for the 12:02 show. We're obviously the slackers who could be torn away from world of warcraft on time to get the 12:01 ticket. I'm cool with that.
so getting of the topic of star wars, lets talk about Canadian politics. Why not, right? Miss belinda has crossed the floor for those of you who don't watch television. The former conservative mp has joined the liberals and spawned thousands of childish insults that make us all a little less proud ot be Canadian. Is it just me or do the conservatives take things way to seriously?
anyway, I think it was a good move on her part. She obviously wasn't being heard in her party and wasn't proud of where they were going. It makes sense to me. With a charmer like Mr Harper screaming at the top of his lungs everyday about how all good Canadian should eat their hotdogs sideways, I'm sure its very hard to believe the world has gone mad.
her crossing is nice for the liberals I guess, but being that I'm not a liberal all I care about is the ndp budget amendments, which Mr Harper is planning to fuck up once again.
the real heartbreaker is when the cbc goes around asking opinions of poepl on the street and no one seems to know what their talking about. No one actually pays attention to the issues, they just pick their favorite colour and that's their party. There so many quote like "liberals been in power too long, too much corruption" with that exact grammar. You have to wonder if they read more than the headlines of the paper. You have ot keep reading or you get a pretty vague idea of the story.
in other news, the queen will be in Saskatoon tomorrow. I would very much like to meet her. I've ever gelled my moustache in preparation. I think she and I would get along very well. Kind of like the relationship between the queen and buddy Cole in chalet 2000.
you don't know what I'm talking about do you?
Francois, why do they call it "peace" soup?


Anonymous Anonymous said... gel? I dunno, Jon. I just don't know. =)

I think you and the queen would get along swimmingly. I wonder what her top five, all-time, desert island recording artists are. Hm. Find out and report back.


10:30 PM  
Blogger Caitie said...

I agree, even in my politcal studies class, knowledge about current events and whats happening in politics is lacking. Well tomorrow at four eastern time, we will find out whether the budget passed. Also Star Wars was awesome, turns out I was in the same theater as you!

3:07 AM  

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