Sunday, May 29, 2005

Join me on the Wing

I apologize for the last post. Its been a rough couple of weeks. Being home wasn't really giving me what I wanted, but I'm come to accept that now. Drinking every night and coming home and listening to Frank Zappa its a good life. Now I just have to start making homeade wine and I;m on my way.
we are currently in the best time of the year. Every year around this time something good happens to me. I suddenly become more creative, and inspired. I think the reason for that is this is the only time of the year were if you stay out late enough the sky turns violet and the rooftops glow. Its true. It goes fro end of may to end of June and then it becomes just light and dark. Only a sith speaks in absolutes.
what I'm saying is I'm going to have an actual recorded album done by the end of august. Its mostly going to be about trees and green things.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah, what a good night. Just because you can out push-up me doesn't mean that you're better than me. Well, maybe it does.

About this album: YES! I can't fucking wait. I've waited so long now and it's going to be great to hold my first "studio" (as opposed to live) J.D. album in my hands.

Jeff was telling me about the indie-looking girl at the bar last night. You should have totally gone for it. It *was* the 28th... Ah well...Sith happens. (Ha, Starwars pun.)


3:08 PM  

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