Tuesday, March 22, 2005

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Finally got the links working and the pictures and everyhitng. i'm

becoming more and more of a blogger every day. now if i coudl typw

without spellign mistakes, and actually wrote more than once a week, i

woudl be in business. i can now share my pictures with the world, and

of course by world i mean Kim, because as we knwo she is the onyl one

who ever reads this garbage. if there is someone else reading, comment

or something. feedback is always nice. even if its really negative.

Too Late And Beyond

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dark have been my dreams of late. much has happened and it seems i dont have much time for anything at all these days. still, perhaps i should bring the blog up to speed.
The Fjords will be having a cd release party on april 2nd. opening for them will be Maybe Smith, and Jonathan Discovery. thats me. this will be my first preformace ever, except of course when i played a couple songs at the block party last summer. thats The Fjords, Maybe Smith and Jonathan Discovery, Saturday April 2nd at Amigos.
now that the shamelss self promotion is out of the way, i'm going to vancouver tomorrow. well, starting the journey anyway. only one more day of school and night of work and i get a bit of a break from all the hoopla. plus i get to hang out with the ever facinating Drew Davies.
my well being right now is mostly dependent on the future. perhaps in the future there wont be a blizzard on the first day of spring. maybe the future holds something great in vancouver. in the future i can leave PA and never come back. maybe in the future i can drive through PA, get some booze, and go to the lake. better times are on theor way for sure.
this whole school thing just isnt for me. as you may notice, i spend most of my time on this here internet research what to do when i get out of here. i still get god marks and pass and all that, but i dotn think i want to do anything with my life in the traditional definition. the last thing i want is a career. i would much rather work shitty jobs save up, travel around, play guitar, meet new people. career and family...hmm sounds like a real waste of life to me.
of course being a cynical twenty something, i realize my view will probably change. i just don't want it to.

There are no words

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Sunday, March 13, 2005

The Great Divorce

it just came to my attention how essential my trip around the world is to my very being. though at the same time, with no physical representative to report all my findings to, how can i properly function. its a double edged knife based on something i just cant my head around..not yet anyway. the problem with work and school and the like is they are such distractions from all my metaphysic needs. without a place to be without that life to live you are free to learn on your own. i don't have time to read. i have to distract myself from the distractions of the other distractions. does that make sense? obligation leads to a need for distraction in a way. i'm really having a hard time with this so bear with me. i'm so glad there are movies like i heart hukabees out there. you need to be able to poke fun and the quasi pretentiousness of existential thought. if anything is motivation for progress. the fact of the matter is, i believe i need to be alone and free of responsibility and obligation to further grasp whatever it is i'm looking for. the catch is that without someone to share and discuss any enlightenment, it doesn't feel that rewarding. maybe thats the lion inside talking. everyone should know me complex. setting up a time where you commit to being creative is a lot like setting up times to have sex. you'll never get what you want. it will always feels just a little hollow. however, perhaps devoting a large amount of time to being without distraction will give more opportunity to stop and actually decipher the complexities of every day being.

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

I Guess We'll Just Have To Adjust

There are a few things troubling me at the moment. Think that make me want to reliquish my first world membership just to even it out a little bit more. Just your stereotypical self hating lefty I suppose. If I make myself miserable enough I might just be forced to help out little.
the goal of the Iraq invasion (which is almost becoming cliche to talk about) was never weapons or national security. It was always to better the lives of the people and give them democracy. Let them choose. In that case, why didn't the US just lift some of the sanctions against the country? Maybe concentrate more on someone who actually needed help. Hey have you heard about the genocide in Sudan? Of course you haven't. And if you have its been a side note. The only thing that matters now in the western world is weither you are left or right and this is where the whole thing begins.
has the world ever been so divided? Bill o'rielly and Anne Coulter believe that if you're not with them, you're against them. That sums it up there. Poor winners and poor losers in a seemingly eternal battle for who is right. Did there used to be a time when things weren't so cut and dry? I just cant believe this whole thing. No one is willing to listen to each other. Possibly because neither side makes a good point. Have you ever heard the argument clinic skit by Monty python? That's is the state we are in. Lefty likes chocolate? chocolate is for pinko commie motherfucking hippies.
I read a while ago that newly democratic countries are the most likely to have civil war break out. Could the same be said about outgoing democracy? It seems to me like the first world maybe about to erupt.
it all comes back to a dream I had. Two armies my army in blue fighting from the trees with arrows, the other side it red with muskets. The trees left us of their own free will and that was when I understood how wrong this whole thing was. No one would listen. With us or against us. There was no inbetween. The only solution is passive resistance. Stand up to the tank in the square. Gandhi defeated the British empire. What have you done?
here are some links of interest

Monday, March 07, 2005

Knives For Sale

First of all, go out right now and see Ong-Bak. Best martial arts display of all time. Even if you don't like that kind of thing, go and see it, its amazing.
in other news, I'm taking a trip around the world. Anyone want to race? La, Hong Kong, Melbourne, male, Kampala, Amsterdam, London, Reykjavik, new York, Saskatoon. Lets do it.
someone has to race me. Or at least come with me. Prove the world is round. Someone has to do it.
more news, the album will be ready in august. That's what the zodiac tells me.

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

This Week In Tyranny......

Last week was a good week for Canada. The best one in a long time. I apologize to my avid reader (Kim) for not posting anything about it earlier. I was busy commenting on all the MBlog posts. If you haven't heard, The Kyoto Protocol became the law last week. We are now doing our part to stop global warming. Then our Prime Minister Paul Martin, did something he has not done since he was elected. He made a decision. No, not about the buget, that's boring. This was about missile defense. Canada will not participate in that wacky US missile defense scheme.
it was all well and good until US ambassador Paul Cellucci decided to comment.

“"We will deploy. We will defend North America,"” he said. “"We simply cannot understand why Canada would in effect give up its sovereignty – its seat at the table – to decide what to do about a missile that might be coming towards Canada.”"

is it me, or does that seem like like bully on the playgroud telling you you're not a real man if you don't steal from the seven-eleven. Are we nations of 7th graders? What kind of cheap bullshit peer pressure comment is that? Its effectively saying "Canada is a sissy girl". My biggest fear was what Mr Martins response would be. I just knew it would be some passive backing down weak-ass comment. I was pleasantly surprised.

"But in terms of Canadian airspace, yes we would expect to be consulted. This is our airspace. We're a sovereign nation. And you don't intrude on a sovereign nation's airspace without seeking permission."
"We did not give up sovereignty," Martin responded. "We affirmed sovereignty."

wow. Do you believe it? That is the sort of response we as Canadians shoudd be expecting from our leader. In fact, this is the first time I have ever thought of Mr Martin as the leader of this country. Perhaps politics isn't just grade school insults as I had feared. Perhaps there are actual intelligent politicians out there. What?

in other news please check out www.justconcerts.ca and listen to the destroyer session with frog eyes. It is fucking awesome.