Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Theories About Isolation

Now, I think its unfair to consider myself isolated. My cabin is pretty luxurious and I spend the majority of my waking hours at school, which is in fact populated. So why all this talk of being a hermit in a cabin in the woods? I suppose I isolate myself when I'm at home. There's always some neighbor or relative that wants to talk to me, but I refuse. So anyway, just to clear things up, I'm choosing isolation over talking to great uncles and friends of my parents.
the lake is a strange place. It makes sounds at night so Erie that I don't know what to think. I have my vampire theory, but that was a product of too much wine and not enough sleep. The only other theory I have is that its the sound of the lake freezing. Maybe I'm an idiot.
anyway, the sounds, I thought, would be the last of the problems. Turns out there are some smell problems as well. This morning all of outdoors seemed to smell like rotting something rather. I thought maybe my septic tank had overflowed. It was just fine when I checked. Then I remembered that wyerhouser, is not only evil, but keeps our air in the PA area nice and shit smelling. The pulp mill can project smells around the north as far as the nose can smell. There must be something wrong if I prefer to have my windows rolled up whilst having my morning cigarette.
back to the isolation for a second. The reason I really want isolation is that I don't work well with others. Either I do all the work or none of the work. Stubborn egotistical lion I suppose. I need to be completely alone for my music to grow and to actually get things recorded. It's going well thus far. I have 3 tapes full of material and its sounding better every time. The thing is that television is so wonderful. My grandfather before he left for the Arizona sun, passed unto me his satellite receiver. seinfeld and the simpsons are just so hard to resist. It tears me away from recording. I should have like 10 tapes recorded, but south park was on.
luckily, I have been informed that the satellite card will expire by the end of the month and I will be free from its evil clutches. Then I can get down to business. I've got two albums on the go. One of pure, true satanic black metal (acoustic indie style) and plain old acoustic folk rock. The black metal one doesn't really need a title. I can just mix together basic black metal cliches. Something about frostbitten grimness I'm sure. The real album (sorry Jason) right now the tenitive title is Level Twelve Elf. Its a name I stole from none other than Matthew Good. He put out a fake song list for an uncomming CD some years back and that was the title of one of the tracks. I always thought it was awesome and its about time someone paid homage to it.
that's the story of me and my musical endeavored. Someday they might actually happen. I've got Jeff Pederson from the Fjords lined up to do some drums. I'll definitely need some on the black metal.
speaking of music and bands and all good things, check out you can search for great Canadian bands and hear the great music they're coming up with. If I ever get anything done, I'll put it up there, but until then check out the Fjords, Samuel the black shaman, Linus Hemingway, or any Saskatchewan band. You can search bands by province. Gnarly says I.
keep on blogging in the free world.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its amazing that you can recognize the evils in the world but you don't recognize Jesus who died for our sins.

4:53 PM  

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