Poverty in the Middle Class
when I work, when I get student credit or anything like that my financial situation is on a constant decline. I'll smoke a pack every two days just because I can afford to. Buying groceries is a waste of time. I just don't know where it all goes.
I'm godd at being poor. I do it well but its so uncomfortable. I am constantly worrying about how to survive. It tears me away from the television based reality which is a good thing, but it feels so awful. I'm awful at having money. I keep running out and needing more. Its like I'm a money junkie. My dealer is a crappy job that I have to go to every week, give the corporation a handjob for 7.75 an hour. At least it gives me something to do.
school also gives me something to do, except instead of being paid, I pay them as much as I would probably be making if I were to work all this time. How does this happen? What's is the solution? Well there's not real way to get around it. However, a while back, Steve had the idea of having half a year's worth of fun every year.
its simple really. Work as hard as you can and save as much as you can for 6 months. The next six months you spend in a new part or the world having the time of your life. Come back when you're out of money (try to budget 6 months, it should work) come back home work for another 6 months, wash rinse repeat. It cant fail. Especially since I am allowed to live at my parents house until I'm 47.
it either that or build up mountains of student loans, or work 5 days a week drinking all my money away on those 2 days off trying mask the monotony of a static prairie city.
on my hand right now I have written "Would David Suzuki approve?" I think that may end up being the basis for all my decisions.