Thursday, February 24, 2005

All Of Them? Yes, All of them.

Kyoto Protocol is the law today, hooray! I'd just like eveyone to know that no one can take a good idea like Kyoto and make it lame like Saskatoon can. Its not just them, its all over the country. Saskatoon is making a giant "Y" in the snow using people. Alberta has the K, Manitoba the O, Ontario the T and the final O in Nova Scotia. We're all in kindergarten again everyone. Buddy up and we'll make letters in the snow.
in other related news, the two countries how have the worst two worst leaders, did not sign into the Kyoto protocol. Of course the Untied States's George Bush and his little lap dog Australia's John Howard. May they be plagued with locust. Hey, this is opinion not news!
moving on, I can't get my blog to have links on the sidebar. Html code just doesn't compute for me. Unfortunately, I'm not quite at that age where I can be too stubborn to learn, but when I am....Man, that will be the day.

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Incense and Peppermints

Time flies by, what concept. This vegan for a week experiment is going really well. No cigarettes, meat of dairy. I'm eating a lot better and a can breathe a lot better as well. The one thing that bothers me is I seem to be constantly hungry. I also find it so interesting, yet frustration to have to read the ingredients in everything I eat. Its nice to know what's going into my body. Still, I don't know how vegans do it and my hat goes off to them...pitty I don't wear hats. In any case, kudos to you all.
in other news, Joel Plaskett's new solo CD is out today and I plan to go buy it in about 10 minutes. I'm sure it will be great, I heard a few songs last summer when he played. The real problem is the only record store in this dreadful northern town probably wont have it. There's also a new kings of Leon out today so maybe I'll check that out to tide me over. If they don't have that...Well uummm.... They're just...uh... jerks I guess...
moving on, if anyone here is an avid mblog reader, Matt is back online.
that's my good news for today. Also go out and rent I Heart Hukabees tonight if you have the chance. I really enjoyed it, I hope you will too.

Monday, February 21, 2005

Hunter S. Thompson 1937-2005

i dont know why he did it. there's many reasons i'm sure. maybe we'll never know the right one. perhaps he just couldnt exist in two worlds any more. whatever the reason for his apperent suicide, the left has lost one of its greatest heros. true, he was an asshole. drunk or drugged, but he believed in something new. always a protagonist in my eyes. i wish i knew more about him before now. now all i have it what the papers tell me, and we knwo they're nto to be trusted precious.
in other news i've lost my mind. i'm cosumed by exitentialism and revolutionary thought. i cant hold a thought in my head for more than 5 mintues and it becoming more and more important that i write eveything down. adventure and excitment, a jedi craves not these things. i'm not a jedi. weird.
i'll be back soon you can bet on that.

Friday, February 18, 2005

Verb The Adjective Noun

So this is near the end of February. For as long as I can remember this is always the catastrophe month. The height of winter sadness with manic weather and too much to be done. I don't expect it to change and I have my reasons. For me the new year begins at the end of this month. I can feel it coming, I'm about to break out of hibernation and do something brilliant...Or at the very least, mildly amusing.
the snow will start to melt for good in the next few weeks. What goes on after that, I could care less. Happiness comes in mud colored care sachels. Just over two month to go in my self inflicted sentence. That's a pretty sweet fruit.
For now I think everyone should rate me at hot or not and rate me good....Or bad, what the fuck do I care. As long as you're amused by in in some way.
also I recommend seeing what I've done to my webpage. its sure is pretty.
not was the winter on my discontent, but the promise of spring, well that's enchantment.
say hello to the next bubba sparks.

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Northern Verse

There's nothing much to say about the north. I've listed the bad points many times before. As for the good points, they don't get any space on my blog. There's nothing good to say. The good things you keep to yousrself just in case someone else is miserable. We love company. At least I do.
the way I refuse to wake up in the morning must mean something.
today I'm being told to look for answers in my daydreams.
all I see is something building up
I think there gonna be a revelation or a rebellion. Either one is fine.
maybe I just need to eat something. Mom was right.

Monday, February 14, 2005

Happy Birthday Darling

Events. This weekend I left prince albert. It was as if I cast off the shackles for 2 days of controlled freedom with a side of lingering doom. The time passed and sent me back. Bound to this exile again.
this time I have presents and a mind to un-lock. I got my greedy little hands on 4 new CD's this weekend. The two new bright eyes CD's which where shipped to my house a few weeks ago, Maegan bought me the arcade fire's funeral, and I also took in the shins - chutes too narrow. Already bright eyes has made it to the best of 2005 list for I'm wide awake, its morning.
Saturday evening was a mix of a deep musical euphoria enhanced by psychedelic drugs. joya!
Sunday I remembered why I chose this place. Masochism. Plain and simple. I've seen what beauty and joy the world has to offer in many places, but what good is all that without the horrific underbelly of the north in January/February. Dabbling in bokononism. We are dabblers no more.
please visit
put a smile on.

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

For No One

At risk of sounding like a angsty high school kid, I'm feeling a little like R2-D2 at the moment. No one undertstands what he's saying and no one seems to care. The internet turns me into whatever this is. I'm 14 again.
of course I shoudlnt expect anyone to listen to me. I really don't have a whole lot to say that's relevant. Most of what I say is recycled paraphrasing from a website I've vistited recently. Politics is like speaking French to me. I understand it, but I cant speak it. I don't know how to form a sentence properly. Discussion and debate are very different things.
I was watching "outfoxed: rupert murdoch's war on journalism" last night, and one portion really upset me. Bill o'rielly, a right wing fox anchor was interviewing a young man by the name of Jeremy glick. He had lost his father in the world trade center attacks, but had signed an anti-war petition. Bill o'reilly was screaming at him, and he remained calm explaining why he was agaisnt the war. Mr o'rielly was furious screaming about how he was a disgrace to the victims of the attacks even his father and his widowed mother. Jeremy remained calm and polite andevery time he tried to say anything he was screamed down. Eventually he was cut off and removed from the building.
I wish I could remember one of my favorite quotes. Its from the book mother night by Kurt vonnegut. To paraphrase, no matter how much you hate, god does not hate with you.
we all have our own idea an opinions, but with the right of having opinion comes the responsibility to listen to other viewpoints no matter how radical. They may seem to you. An aguement is not won by volume and semantics. And argument can only be won if the parties involved accept their differences and try to learn from one another.
if you're listening please use the comment feature. I'd like to know if I'm being heard or not.

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Ask The Robit

Its been kinda hard to write lately. I put myself in the shoes of an assembly robot and tried to turn off all desire and humanity. If there's a place to do that, its up north here.
maybe its the weather, maybe its was the robot mindset, or maybe its due to sheer frustration, but I feel refreshed. Still frustrated, but refreshed. I feel think I can think and express myself again. Like my brain has been thawing in the sink all day, and finally it time to cook supper. I'm a little disappointed that it took so long for me to get into this mindset, but I'm happy its here.
I've been laying in bed dreaming about the future like I used to. I don't know what lies ahead for me. The only sure thing is that I will stay in PA to finish this first year of media. Then comes summer. I don't think I'll have the time to save up money for next year. I think I'll be too busy living and traveling and working on my music. The plan I developed earlier this morning is to move to Edmonton and finally form the super group Robits.
it doesn't really matter where I go as long as its not void of all culture like prince albert. Any city with a snobby indie record store. That's all I need.
keeping with music, while you slave away today make sure you visit hear everyone of your favorite bands in a live concert while you do what you do. Unless of course your favorite band is menudo....If that's the case, give up on music.
I have little else to say. I e-mailed it all to Kim earlier this morning so I'm afraid the rest of you are fucked. Then again, who wants to hear my bitching anyway? I know I do.
today a black cat crossed my path. The day had hardly begun. I was driving to school and a black cat casually walked across the road I slowed down as to not hit the wonderful creature. In the spirit of prince albert, someone honked, passed me and may, or may not, have given me the middle finger. The theme of the day is omens. Its as good a theme as any.
mental note: compile a list of albums to buy.
well I'm off to compile a list of albums to buy. Cheers.