Its been kinda hard to write lately. I put myself in the shoes of an assembly robot and tried to turn off all desire and humanity. If there's a place to do that, its up north here.
maybe its the weather, maybe its was the robot mindset, or maybe its due to sheer frustration, but I feel refreshed. Still frustrated, but refreshed. I feel think I can think and express myself again. Like my brain has been thawing in the sink all day, and finally it time to cook supper. I'm a little disappointed that it took so long for me to get into this mindset, but I'm happy its here.
I've been laying in bed dreaming about the future like I used to. I don't know what lies ahead for me. The only sure thing is that I will stay in PA to finish this first year of media. Then comes summer. I don't think I'll have the time to save up money for next year. I think I'll be too busy living and traveling and working on my music. The plan I developed earlier this morning is to move to Edmonton and finally form the super group Robits.
it doesn't really matter where I go as long as its not void of all culture like prince albert. Any city with a snobby indie record store. That's all I need.
keeping with music, while you slave away today make sure you visit hear everyone of your favorite bands in a live concert while you do what you do. Unless of course your favorite band is menudo....If that's the case, give up on music.
I have little else to say. I e-mailed it all to Kim earlier this morning so I'm afraid the rest of you are fucked. Then again, who wants to hear my bitching anyway? I know I do.
today a black cat crossed my path. The day had hardly begun. I was driving to school and a black cat casually walked across the road I slowed down as to not hit the wonderful creature. In the spirit of prince albert, someone honked, passed me and may, or may not, have given me the middle finger. The theme of the day is omens. Its as good a theme as any.
mental note: compile a list of albums to buy.
well I'm off to compile a list of albums to buy. Cheers.