Too Late And Beyond

dark have been my dreams of late. much has happened and it seems i dont have much time for anything at all these days. still, perhaps i should bring the blog up to speed.
The Fjords will be having a cd release party on april 2nd. opening for them will be Maybe Smith, and Jonathan Discovery. thats me. this will be my first preformace ever, except of course when i played a couple songs at the block party last summer. thats The Fjords, Maybe Smith and Jonathan Discovery, Saturday April 2nd at Amigos.
now that the shamelss self promotion is out of the way, i'm going to vancouver tomorrow. well, starting the journey anyway. only one more day of school and night of work and i get a bit of a break from all the hoopla. plus i get to hang out with the ever facinating Drew Davies.
my well being right now is mostly dependent on the future. perhaps in the future there wont be a blizzard on the first day of spring. maybe the future holds something great in vancouver. in the future i can leave PA and never come back. maybe in the future i can drive through PA, get some booze, and go to the lake. better times are on theor way for sure.
this whole school thing just isnt for me. as you may notice, i spend most of my time on this here internet research what to do when i get out of here. i still get god marks and pass and all that, but i dotn think i want to do anything with my life in the traditional definition. the last thing i want is a career. i would much rather work shitty jobs save up, travel around, play guitar, meet new people. career and family...hmm sounds like a real waste of life to me.
of course being a cynical twenty something, i realize my view will probably change. i just don't want it to.
The Fjords will be having a cd release party on april 2nd. opening for them will be Maybe Smith, and Jonathan Discovery. thats me. this will be my first preformace ever, except of course when i played a couple songs at the block party last summer. thats The Fjords, Maybe Smith and Jonathan Discovery, Saturday April 2nd at Amigos.
now that the shamelss self promotion is out of the way, i'm going to vancouver tomorrow. well, starting the journey anyway. only one more day of school and night of work and i get a bit of a break from all the hoopla. plus i get to hang out with the ever facinating Drew Davies.
my well being right now is mostly dependent on the future. perhaps in the future there wont be a blizzard on the first day of spring. maybe the future holds something great in vancouver. in the future i can leave PA and never come back. maybe in the future i can drive through PA, get some booze, and go to the lake. better times are on theor way for sure.
this whole school thing just isnt for me. as you may notice, i spend most of my time on this here internet research what to do when i get out of here. i still get god marks and pass and all that, but i dotn think i want to do anything with my life in the traditional definition. the last thing i want is a career. i would much rather work shitty jobs save up, travel around, play guitar, meet new people. career and family...hmm sounds like a real waste of life to me.
of course being a cynical twenty something, i realize my view will probably change. i just don't want it to.
Everything that is acclomplished in life is totally meaningless.
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