Last week was a good week for Canada. The best one in a long time. I apologize to my avid reader (Kim) for not posting anything about it earlier. I was busy commenting on all the
MBlog posts. If you haven't heard, The Kyoto Protocol became the law last week. We are now doing our part to stop global warming. Then our Prime Minister Paul Martin, did something he has not done since he was elected. He made a decision. No, not about the buget, that's boring. This was about missile defense.
Canada will not participate in that wacky US missile defense scheme. it was all well and good until US ambassador Paul Cellucci decided to comment.
"We will deploy. We will defend North America," he said. "We simply cannot understand why Canada would in effect give up its sovereignty its seat at the table to decide what to do about a missile that might be coming towards Canada."
is it me, or does that seem like like bully on the playgroud telling you you're not a real man if you don't steal from the seven-eleven. Are we nations of 7th graders? What kind of cheap bullshit peer pressure comment is that? Its effectively saying "Canada is a sissy girl". My biggest fear was what Mr Martins response would be. I just knew it would be some passive backing down weak-ass comment. I was pleasantly surprised.
"But in terms of Canadian airspace, yes we would expect to be consulted. This is our airspace. We're a sovereign nation. And you don't intrude on a sovereign nation's airspace without seeking permission."
"We did not give up sovereignty," Martin responded. "We affirmed sovereignty."
wow. Do you believe it? That is the sort of response we as Canadians shoudd be expecting from our leader. In fact, this is the first time I have ever thought of Mr Martin as the leader of this country. Perhaps politics isn't just grade school insults as I had feared. Perhaps there are actual intelligent politicians out there. What?
in other news please check out and listen to the destroyer session with frog eyes. It is fucking awesome.