Saturday, December 04, 2004

Rough Dissections

tonight, i was out having a cigarette. i didnt really want one, but i hate for people to smoke alone. i came back to find that my parent's dog had devoured my last 3 slices of pizza. kind of an ominous methaphor for my week thus far. i realize that sound depressing, but at least something is happening to me. without these mishaps, i would have no future stories. in my experience, conversations are built on these stories and if i was to spend all day watching television alone, what would i have to tell you?
Grandaddy has been in my head all day. there's no better feeling that having an album stuck in your head. not just a song, but a whole album. each song pops in to reflect a diferent mood. i'm not entirely sure if thats what makes a great album, or if thats what makes an obsessive personality. i am but a simple man who does posess a physcological degree. all i know is that Sumday by Grandaddy has kept my moods aligned. on the bus to saskatoon when i was feeling kind of down, all i could think of was the song "final push to the sum" right now in my better mood i have "stray dog and the chocolate sahke" in my head. every other song has mades it way into my day, but those are two more prominent examples.
perhaps it my mangled body, or perhaps its certian things finally hitting me, but today has been very epic. do you ever have those days where your moved to tears by the simplest things. my life just maybe shaped by days like that.
i feel liek there is so much creativity inside me. i dont know again if its just the mangled body or if its that i no longer have television. either way, i have somethign ready to go off. i think this album may be out sooner than you think.


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