Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Staring Deliciousness in the Face

well here we are another day in the world full of terrible things that i could ignore, but as i have so much time to kill at school, internet news sites and lefteist blogs will not let me. and rightly so. its too bad most people dont have all this time. theres alot of information out here. back to the point, the big issue on my mind is of course the protests in ottawa yesterday. to paraphrase a number of entires onand comments on the Matt Good blog: if you don tact seriously, no one will take you seriously. the news doesnt show the peacful people playing drums and singing songs, they show the agnst ridden wannabe punks who break bottles and smash out the starbucks windows. still a peace protest shoudl never be violent. it seems like no matter how good the intentions are, the left just cant win.
its not true of course, they just need organization. i took this quote today: "First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win." - mahatma Gandhi
passive resistance can be a such a powerful thing. if only those kids listening to slipknot and linkin park knew that, instad of smashing windows and making us passifists look bad.
on a lighter not i hear the halifax protests were much more civalized. leave it to the east coast to show what canada is really about.
i also wanted to write about my day, but it appears i'm out of time.
all i need to say is that tatamrai damacy is one of the funnest video games ive ever played. cheers.


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