Saturday, July 02, 2005

Yukon Cornelius

So many goddamn distractions, I just cant make myself up again.
I'm going to the Yukon, I bought my ticket today and I really cant wait to get away.
I watched some live 8 today. Its a nice cause I bob geldof is certainly deserving of his knighthood. However, I don't think its debt relief that developing nations really need. What they need is for the first world to stop fucking them in the ear with all their exports and resources. Then maybe they can actually bring some money into their country in the first place. A fair price for oil, gold and whatnot would go a long way, probably much further than calling off a debt.
of course I didn't think that up by myself. I read things. I steal ideas. That's just who I am.
listen to the album easy beat by Dr. Dog. Its becoming my new favorite.

tip of the day: don't try to quit smoking cigarettes when you've already got a nice case of the summertime blues. The nicotine withdrawal mixes with the fun withdrawal and can at time feel like a weak acid trip.


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