Sunday, June 05, 2005

Never Been a Mountain Man

Another half drunk post. Possibly fully drunk. Its hard to tell at this point. This will be the last time I ever mention my mental state in a blog. The purpose of this information is to give my reader(s) a sense of rhythm.
what's with the depressing blog? Is a question often asked of me. And there isn't really a good answer. I cant really help it. I feel fine now, I feel like making love to the world. The problem is waking up next to the world in the morning can really get you down.
that came out all wrong.
I still read the news. The problem is that being so concerned can take a lot out of a person. I'm not really one to take things seriously, however, when you think of the number of yellow bracelets to green of white bracelets, the world does get you down.
there's not really any love anymore. Scratch that, there never really was. There was a rise of love in the 60's that was brutally shut down in 1970 when the beatles broke up. Then love was again defaced 10 year later in 1980 when john lennon was murdered. Ever since then love has been kept on the down low.
try as we might love has stayed just below the top soil
still, all is not lost.
you can still hear it when you walk into the right place, when the right music is playing. No one knows your name but is all fine. We all in the same place for the same reasons. Everyone knows the same thing and we know it will all come to us in the end.

the neo-human is coming to light.

I've never been much for the mountains. The majestic overwhelming size is just too close. I love to watch them fly by my periphery as I drive through, but I couldn't be there. there would always be something in the way.


Blogger Caitie said...

There is still love in the world Jon, always will be, just feel it.

2:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Update your damn blog again. I need more internet reading material. And I'm sending the tracklist to your gmail. Deal with it.


9:11 PM  

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