Monday, June 20, 2005

Blogger McBlogington

Someone tell me what I should be doing with all this free time? My shifts are so completely ridiculous that I always ends up with several hours of wondering what I should be doing. The answer is obvious. I probably should be working. If I work a 4 hour shift (which is often) then I spend the following four hours waiting around for everyone else to get off work.
the real drag is that recently instead of paid work, I've been assigned charity work. The cause is the aesthetic value of my mother's garden. Apparently I need to contribute to my household. I agree but I think my contribution should be never being home. So what do I do? Find a second job? Murder someone and take their hours? I just cant seem to find a second job. No one wants to hire a bearded long hair. And murder is a apparently a crime these days.
or maybe I should just spend every waking hour of the day blogging it up.
or maybe say fuck all y'all and head up to the Yukon with even else.
someone just give me something to do that isn't renovating my parents back yard.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I swear...I'll kick you.


Stay here and make Iron Pirate music. And Jon Discovery Albums.
Or else.

5:51 PM  
Blogger Caitie said...

Come on Jon, use your imagination, there are always many interesting things to do...

1:10 PM  

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