Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Writer's Bloc Party

Nothing does a body good, like another body. Even up in this silly northern town, or at least that's what I'm told. Prince Albert Saskatchewan is not a place, nor is it a state of mind. It is in fact, a metal disease. I mean, who besides the mentally disabled would wear a snowmobile suit everywhere. While applying for a job or trying to pick up someone at the bar. Prince Albert, that's who. The people here don't have names, they have problems. Its like how tigers identify each other through their striped patterns, prince Albert indentifies each other by the different neon stripes on the snowmobile suits.
this is really unfair. I don't have anything against the people of Prince Albert. Just the ones who wear snowmobile suits.
still it would be nice to have another body to share my disappointment with. Someone to talk to when I'm hiding from this town. Its lonely when your life is a low ceiling and a guitar. Its to the point where I cant even make anything out of it.
I wish apathy would drown me like it used to. I don't know when I started caring again, but I remember why I stopped.
this is far to negative. I intended this entry to be full of hope. Nothing does a body good like another body. Its a hopeful statement, like I'm waiting for a cure. Or maybe I should just start drinking my milk.


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