Friday, January 07, 2005

Becoming a Lion

Taking the bull by the horns and never speaking in cliches again. Rogers video must die. Well not store 514 in Saskatoon, but certainly this PA store. I just cannot work there no more. For all you scholars, I realize that's a double negative, but I think it illustrates my point.
while searching out the lastest news on the tsunami this afternoon, I came across something interesting. The country of Myanmar, formerly Burma was hit by the tsunami, but very little is known about the effects on the country. Apparently the government refuses to share hats going on with outsiders. Or Something like that. I thought I liked their style and did some research on this crazy place. Definitely interesting. Afterwards I decided to research other crazy countries as tourist destinations. Places like north Korea and whatnot. Its a good time, I recommend checking it out... Not necessarily the actual country but the tourism site.
anyway, I found a lump on my tinsel yesterday. Well... Not yesterday, a while back, but yesterday it felt bigger. Its a relatively hard lump (compared to the flesh of my tonsil) and I'm told that's a goos thing. Apparently the bad lumps are squishier. Either way I should get it checked out. It doesn't seem to be effecting my tonsil in anyway. No sore throat or anything. All my life I've had abnormally large tonsils. Everything I have a check up all the doctor says is "hmmm those are abnormally large tonsils, but healthy abnormally large tonsils. " I just hope I'm ok. I'm quite a hypocondriac a lot of the time. I don't want them to do a biopsy on my tonsil lump I don't want my tonsils out either. I certainly don't want kemo and have all my hair fall out. Though if I did, I would try to keep my moustache like in FUBAR. Stupid fucking lump. Is it weird that I can feel my tonsils with my tounge? I do it all the time to check if they're swollen. Its a real bitch having abnormally large tonsils.
moving on, what's the deal with Rogers video? I move into PA so I can get more hours there and they give me less. Instead of my one 7 hour shift a week I now have one 4 hours shift a week. Fuck those guys. I'm gonna get a new job. I really hate looking for a job and no one wants to hire someone in school. On the plus side I hear the music store in the mall is hiring. I could do that. I mean I finished my training to become the assistant manager of TFM less that a year ago. Then they shut us down.
does anyone realize how much in pains me not to be working in a music store anymore? To settle for less? Some dumb fuck corporation where all the low level employees hail the great Rogers god and never question a single policy. A place where customer service doesn't matter. Loyalty to the company does. A place where if you make a little money as legally possible, but if you work hard enough, then you make a dollar more and and get to pretend you have more power than those whose income is still the legal minimum.
I have a dream that all Joe jobs were created equally. Fast food workers don't quarrel over superiority. Someone who can close the store is no different than someone who runs the till. They just have a set of keys. A place where if there is time to lean, then there is time to lean. We'll clean when the place of business is closed.
that's all I have to say about that.


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