Thursday, January 05, 2006

Discovery Keeps On Discoverin'

I've been listening to a lot of books on tape recently. I say books on tape because saying books on CD just doesn't have a nice enough flow of the tongue. The nice thing about listening to a book rather than reading it is that when reading a book, a person will generally only ready it once. When I listen I can listen as often as I want and not feel tied down by the pages. It may seem absurd, and I probably makes me sound like the laziest man in the world but I feel I get more out of literature this way. In the past 2 days I've listened to god bless you Dr kavorkian by Kurt Vonnegut 4 times. If I read the book it would have taken me longer than two days just to finish it. I get the same feeling from listening to a book that I do from reading it, it just enhances what I get out of it.
speaking of which, my new subject of research (that's what I do all day when I'm unemployed by the way. Research random things) is humanism. Its not any sort of religious dogma or anything, just a lovely granfalloon of people with the idea that we should be decent to one another without expecting any supernatural (or superficial) rewards. I would love to go into more about it but, a) I'm not a very articulate person, and b) I don't think people want to hear about it from me. Check wikipedia if you really want to know.
I'm back in Vancouver now. I have braved the glass shattering cold weather mixed with warm family love for 2 weeks, and I had a lovely time thank you. Now the honeymoon of unemployment and free living is all gone. Time to put my head down and do my best to make January fly by without noticing me.
Good Luck.
thank you.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

No one leaves a comment on this, huh? Well, download Jon's best of '05. I am. And so far it's pretty good. Good, but not great (though some of it's great).


2:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your soooooo messed up that you think that everyone else is messed up in their heads but it is your delusion that you are in thinking that you have it all aced.


4:47 PM  

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