Running Back To Saskatoon

while I'm here I'll tell the story of the craziest day ever. On Wednesday morning at 7 o'clock ante meridian, Brendan dropped me off by the esso so I could hitch a ride from Dawson city to Whitehorse (pictured above). A couple people pulled over but I had to turn them down. People saying stuff like "I can take you as far as the airport" or "I'm only going to dempster corner" going 20 minutes up the road wasn't exactly what I needed. All it would have really done was it would have in the middle of nowhere as opposed to just outside of a familiar town.
I had one guy who was going to Stewart crossing, which is about half way, but I didn't take it and was kind of kicking myself. Then 5 minutes later a fellow and his son from Whitehorse picked me up. Apparently 3 hours had passed since I had started. They were pretty great folks. The dad had lived in Saskatoon from 79 to 85 I guess and still has property out by Borden. Anyway they were super nice but had one of those odd father son relationships were they are obviously really good friends. They were both very knowledgeable about the same things. They read a book aloud to each other on the way back, and not just any book but a book about free market of the past and present and the way super countries of the past and prestent rise but also how each economic structure eventually falls. It was really hard to follow.
I got them to drop me at a hostel in Whitehorse which was full, as was the next hostel I tried. At this point it was pouring rain and I had no place to stay and my bus wasn't leaving until 1:30 post meridian the next day. I was wet and gross and alone, so I walked to the Tim hortons to think about what on earth I was going to do for the next 20 hours. It was then I decided to stop at dominos pizza. Matt ingvardson, an old domino's from Saskatoon guy own the Whitehorse store and Paul Robinson also works there. I decided the only way to survive the night was to put away a bit of pride and ask if I could stay with them. I walked in with my giant bags on my shoulder, soaking wet and I didn't even have to ask. They put my bags in paul's car and let me hang around domino's for a few hours going on runs and what not. They told me it was too bad I already had a bus ticket because they were driving to Saskatoon the next day for a wedding. Also I should mention that the domino's guys run that town. They exchange pizza for everything including respect. They said they'd try and get me a refund for my non refundable ticket and were pretty confident they could do so.
at this point I didn't care, because they said if I came with them they wouldn't let me pay for gas. Not to mention they were driving a 2005 rented optima and had a widescreen laptop with games and DVD's. fuck the bus
they got off work after about an hour and a half and and they took my to their house which was nothing short of amazing. Wide screen TV, a million DVD's, fridge full of food and a nice warm shower. They both went to the gym and realizing that I'm certainly not a gym guy, they told me to make myself at home. I has some cheescake and watched rounders and a couple episodes of futurama. I went out for a cigarette and lamented how twice that day I had gone from having absolutely nothing, to landing square in a lap of luxury and good fortune.
suddenly matt comes home and asks if I want to go out on the town. I say sure, still a little overwhelmed by this ridiculous turn of events. I get in matt's car and we drive to this shady bar where he says he's gotta pick someone up. Suddenly this old drunk derelict looking fellow comes to the car door. This was the guy matt was picking up. This strange man proceeded to hand me his car keys and tell me to drive his car home. Bewildered and a little frightened I thought "what else can I do?" I get in his car and take drop it off at his house. I get back in matt's car and this grotesque little man gets me to pack a bowl for him.
we arrived at the capitol hotel bar. The crazy man buys me a beer and asks me to play pool with him. Ever time he shot, he would make a brilliant shot or he would miss the cue ball completely. I found out eventually that this guy is one of the managers of matt's domino's and he explains to me that when he's sober, he's just like me. I didn't believe him but I was too tired and confused to really know what to say. Eventually we got out of the bar and ran into Paul who drove me back to their place where I had a shower for the first time approximately 10 days.
I fell asleep on their couch. The next day we left Whitehorse at 2:30 post meridian and got back to Saskatoon at 3 post meridian the next day. We drove it in less than 24 hours straight through. Arriving around 16 hours ahead of the bus I would have been on.
What a weird fucking day.
I had one guy who was going to Stewart crossing, which is about half way, but I didn't take it and was kind of kicking myself. Then 5 minutes later a fellow and his son from Whitehorse picked me up. Apparently 3 hours had passed since I had started. They were pretty great folks. The dad had lived in Saskatoon from 79 to 85 I guess and still has property out by Borden. Anyway they were super nice but had one of those odd father son relationships were they are obviously really good friends. They were both very knowledgeable about the same things. They read a book aloud to each other on the way back, and not just any book but a book about free market of the past and present and the way super countries of the past and prestent rise but also how each economic structure eventually falls. It was really hard to follow.
I got them to drop me at a hostel in Whitehorse which was full, as was the next hostel I tried. At this point it was pouring rain and I had no place to stay and my bus wasn't leaving until 1:30 post meridian the next day. I was wet and gross and alone, so I walked to the Tim hortons to think about what on earth I was going to do for the next 20 hours. It was then I decided to stop at dominos pizza. Matt ingvardson, an old domino's from Saskatoon guy own the Whitehorse store and Paul Robinson also works there. I decided the only way to survive the night was to put away a bit of pride and ask if I could stay with them. I walked in with my giant bags on my shoulder, soaking wet and I didn't even have to ask. They put my bags in paul's car and let me hang around domino's for a few hours going on runs and what not. They told me it was too bad I already had a bus ticket because they were driving to Saskatoon the next day for a wedding. Also I should mention that the domino's guys run that town. They exchange pizza for everything including respect. They said they'd try and get me a refund for my non refundable ticket and were pretty confident they could do so.
at this point I didn't care, because they said if I came with them they wouldn't let me pay for gas. Not to mention they were driving a 2005 rented optima and had a widescreen laptop with games and DVD's. fuck the bus
they got off work after about an hour and a half and and they took my to their house which was nothing short of amazing. Wide screen TV, a million DVD's, fridge full of food and a nice warm shower. They both went to the gym and realizing that I'm certainly not a gym guy, they told me to make myself at home. I has some cheescake and watched rounders and a couple episodes of futurama. I went out for a cigarette and lamented how twice that day I had gone from having absolutely nothing, to landing square in a lap of luxury and good fortune.
suddenly matt comes home and asks if I want to go out on the town. I say sure, still a little overwhelmed by this ridiculous turn of events. I get in matt's car and we drive to this shady bar where he says he's gotta pick someone up. Suddenly this old drunk derelict looking fellow comes to the car door. This was the guy matt was picking up. This strange man proceeded to hand me his car keys and tell me to drive his car home. Bewildered and a little frightened I thought "what else can I do?" I get in his car and take drop it off at his house. I get back in matt's car and this grotesque little man gets me to pack a bowl for him.
we arrived at the capitol hotel bar. The crazy man buys me a beer and asks me to play pool with him. Ever time he shot, he would make a brilliant shot or he would miss the cue ball completely. I found out eventually that this guy is one of the managers of matt's domino's and he explains to me that when he's sober, he's just like me. I didn't believe him but I was too tired and confused to really know what to say. Eventually we got out of the bar and ran into Paul who drove me back to their place where I had a shower for the first time approximately 10 days.
I fell asleep on their couch. The next day we left Whitehorse at 2:30 post meridian and got back to Saskatoon at 3 post meridian the next day. We drove it in less than 24 hours straight through. Arriving around 16 hours ahead of the bus I would have been on.
What a weird fucking day.
I hate you, sounds amazing, and I know Paul, such a great guy, lent me three seasons of alias after he quit working at blockbuster. I was impressed. Wish I could have seen Joel Plaskett play again.
Well, there's an adventure for ya. =)
Welcome home, darling. Your hair is soft and your hugs are as good as ever.
Hey Jon it's Jason. My blog is
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