Monday, April 11, 2005

The End Of Inspiration...Like Empire

I t was painfully apparent that after the show last weekend that this was something new. There would be a new world. The whole event was like the end of a movie, just perfect. What possibly could be more anti-climactic than moving back to Prince Albert, not to return for 3 weeks. I feel like an unimportant bobby Fischer. Instead of being the perfect ending like high fidelity, it becomes the ominous ending of the empire strikes back. In any event I shouldn't be in this town. Only a month to go.
but what happens in the summer? Will I get my inspiration back? Is that even possible at this point? Do I go to the Yukon or stay here and save up to go somewhere better?
so what's in the news? Maybe I could offer some commentary...Nope
all I can say is go out and rent hotel Rwanda on Tuesday. That's my pick for the week. Also if you haven't already, check out the corporation, the yes men and what the bleep do we know. Those are my picks. The only reason I suggest them now is because if I suggested them at work, people would return to give me a good old fashioned PA hippie beating.
it just seems imperative to me that you know the name of the prime minister of your won country. I swear, when people talk about politics or religion in this town, I really have to hold back. Is there a nice way to tell someone the world is not flat?
the culprit I learned is the apathetic high school history teacher. Despite the fact that I was usually high for grade 12 history and ended up with a %50 , I still feel I have a good generally knowledge of the creation of my country and its history. Whereas people in this town left their history classes on the honor roll and have no idea that this small town was the constituency for 3 of Canada's prime ministers. Nor could they name any of them. Does it seem to anyone else that this should be required knowledge? And I'm pretty sure it is, but then how is the education system so unbalanced? I'll have to talk to my mother about that. I have a feeling her grade 2's know more about Canada than some of the residents of prince Albert.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

man, you need to go to the yukon

12:35 AM  

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