
Last weekend I took a leisurely drive to the coast. By leisurely of course I mean long, seeing as I live in Saskatchewan. Brendan and Greg Reese joined me on this expedition, or rather I joined them. What time it was. So warm and rainy and green. As we drove through the Fraser valley it was approaching dusk and the sky was stained pink behind the green mountains. The song on the stereo was "I can feel it" by Sloan. The whole time I had my cigarette out the window and was thinking the was a good chance I might see some pegusi, or perhaps a wyvern. At the very least a rainbow.
the point is at that moment I felt better than I have felt in a really really long time. I suggest trying it. Good will come, I promise. The trip its self was great. Stowing away on the ferry to Victoria was a good time. Also it was nice to see all the Saskatoon people out there. The problem with it is, it seems like anywhere I go to visit Saskatoon friends, there is just a huge group of us. No one really hangs out with Vancouver people. Prairie folk stick to their own. Its astrange thing. Happens in a lot of places I go.
you can see more pictures of my trip if you go to my website which is listed on the side. Speaking of the west coast, it seems I have a new plan yet again. This one is perhaps less exciting, but it might just happen. Seeing as how I love the west coast I have recently been searching for some audio engineering programs out there and I found a great one right in Vancouver. The problem is that its $15000. Also I still want to travel before I'm an old man (25) so the question posed to me was, do I travel first and then rack up a huge student debt? Or do I rack up a huge
debt, pay it back and then travel.
as proposed to me by Travis major I take the latter. The key point in his proposal is I pay off the debt by teaching English in Asia. Thereby killing two birds with one stone. We'll see how the whole thing works. I'd still prefer some around the world action. Hardcore Madagascar.
I play my first show ever on Saturday night. Opening for the likes of the Fjords and maybe Smith is pretty nerve racking, but I guarantee a good show. At least 2 thirds of a good show anyway. If you're in the area come on by. Maybe I'll give you a Jeff Pederson t-shirt (patent pending).
lastly, I want to state that the whole Terri Shiavo thing is not news. While I was away this weekend, if I turned on a television I was bombarded from all sides by people commenting on this "issue". A moral delimena/argument between some people in Florida is no only no one else's business, but I know for a fact that there is something much more important going on somewhere else in the world. Maybe they should spend every waking hour on the genocide in dafur. Doesn't anyone even know about that? Where is Sudan? Isn't that whole thing over? Millions dying is much more important than weither or not a person in a coma lives or dies. Unless of course that person is in your immediate family. This whole this is just another excuse to have a knock down drag about fight between the "leftists" and the "conservatives" or other wise knows as the religious right and the socialist goddamn hippies.
I've been wanting to say this all week. The whole thing seems to me like some bad soap opera script somehow got onto the news desk at CNN as a joke and somehow became serious international news.
I'd also like to say for the record that Stephen Harper is a douche bag. That man is so homophobic he eats his hotdogs sideways.
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